Monday, August 24, 2020

Guide For Oral Health Care Health And Social Care Essay

A tooth ulcer is discharge encased in the tissues of the jaw bone at the tip of a septic tooth. Typically the sore begins from a bacterial disease that has amassed in the delicate mush of the tooth. Abscesses commonly begin from dead mush tissue, regularly brought about by untreated tooth rot, broke dentitions or expanded periodontic sickness. A bombed root waterway mediation may other than make a comparable canker. There are three sorts of dental sore. A gingival boil includes only the gum tissue, without affecting either the tooth or the periodontic tendon. A periapical ulcer begins in the dental mush. A periodontic ulcer starts in the back uping bone and tissue developments of the dentition. A turned into a boil tooth is extremely agonizing. The tooth and environing gums are contaminated, and a root trench or extraction is ordinarily suggested. A canker tooth might be light with essentially a little disease, or it might be speed uping †possessing non just the oral depression, however the full natural structure. The main period of a canker starts on the outside beds of the dentitions along the defensive covering named polish. Microbes which obviously happen inside the oral hole Begin to strike at the veneer and may later debilitate, and parted in a little gap. There may be simply minor delicacy at this period. Affectability to hot and cold substance, alongside delicacy whether the tooth is tapped might be visit marks. 2. About Oral Chelation for High Blood Pressure The term chelation portrays a technique whereby substances named chelating operators tie to metals or poisons to empower the natural structure to securely egest them in the piss or fecal issues. While mainstream researchers all things considered approves the utilization of chelation for overwhelming metal detoxification, its use in hypertension stays disputable. Oral chelation treatment cleans your arterias. It other than cleans the riddance land parcel and develops your general resistance for longer life and a superior ( invigorating ) feeling. Chelation treatment can help lower blood power per unit territory. These incorporate the decalcification ( decline ) of plaque, abatement of free gatherings and bringing down of blood cholesterin. Oral Chelation Therapy takes a couple of months the main clasp. Oral chelation is other than viable in light of the fact that chelating specialists, for example, EDTA, can experience through the belly and enter the circulatory system unaffected. Oral chelation intercessions exist in the signifier of fluids, pills or containers and overall keep going for a few hebdomads. 3. About Oral Surgery Oral Surgery is an acknowledged universal specializer creating class in dental medication. It is the strong point of dental medication that incorporates the diagnosing, careful and related intercession of illnesses, damages and deformities influencing both the useful and tasteful aspects of the troublesome and delicate tissues of the caput, oral cavity, dentition, gums and jaws. A figure of conditions may require unwritten medical procedure, including: Affected Teeth Insight dentitions, some of the time rise up out of the gum line and the jaw is non enormous bounty to let space for them. Frequently at least one of these third processors neglects to develop in legitimate partnership or neglects to the full rise through the gum line and becomes entangled or â€Å" affected † between the lower jaw and the gum tissue. Tooth Loss Dental inserts are a possibility for tooth misfortune because of a mishap or disease or as an alternative to dental plates. The inserts are tooth root substitutions that are carefully moored in topographic point in the lower jaw and act to settle the stunning dentition to which they are connected. Jaw-Related Problems Inconsistent jaw developing: In certain people, the upper and lower Jaw neglects to turn nicely. This can do inconvenience in discourse creation, eating, get bringing down, and take a relaxing. While a portion of these occupations †like inappropriate teeth union †can be adjusted with supports and other orthodontic contraptions, progressively genuine employments require unwritten medical procedure to travel all or bit of the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both into another spot that is increasingly adjusted, practical, and sound. Improve fit of dental plates: For first-time dental plate wearers, unwritten medical procedure should be possible to redress any variations from the norm of the jaws before making the dental plates to ensure a superior fit of rage. 4. About the Benefits of Bing a Dentist The interest of dental specialist calling is turning. The calling of being a tooth specialist has numerous beneficial things that can be of import contemplations for you. On the off chance that you give great administrations to your patients, you will have the option to obtain customers, so your anxiety in dental example will run great. Dental specialists have a specific whole of esteem inside their networks. It is other than a simple field for grown-up females and minorities to win in. On the financial advantages and flexibleness of being your ain foreman ( You other than get the opportunity to be after on your ain hours ) , there is an incredible exchange of individual fulfillment that can be found in a bringing in dental medication. You get the individual fulfillment of seting a blessing an individual ‘s face and cut bringing down their stinging. A great many people get into purposes for living so they can get a consistent salary and with dental medication, you are guaranteed of procuring a cluster of cash. With the occupation in the event that you have rehearsed for some mature ages you can get to recognize how to cover with or thwart dentition objections which would be a decent extra to the general public. You other than procure to be an educator by offering individuals guidance on the most ideal approaches to keep their dentitions and keep up them solid. Making a constructive modification in the lives of individuals is perhaps the best advantage a dental specialist gets. 5. Exercises for Teaching Children Oral Hygiene Showing kids how to brush, floss and wash their oral hole so as to keep up their teeth clean and forestall pits is of import. Training great cleanliness when children are youthful can prevent dental occupations down the course. Use happiness exercises to do brushing, flossing and sing the tooth specialist engaging. Instructing Children to Brush Their Teeth Childs can be adapted to brush their dentitions only as they ‘re instructed to flush their authorities and face. Guardians can design the conduct by leting children to come into the restroom with them to brush their dentitions. Imagine your ain vital little vocal or serenade to sing as you ‘re brushing your darling ‘s dentition, cause certain the words to characterize the nation you ‘re scouring ; with the goal that one time the vocal is retained they make sure to brush each surface. Brush the child ‘s dentition before you brush your ain, thus let the child to brush theirs while you ‘re brushing yours ; yearlings love to duplicate. Tooth Decay Activity Utilize a computerized camera to take a picture of each child, grinning and demoing their flickering white dentitions. Print each child ‘s introduction twice and hold them colourise the dentitions earthy colored in one of the smilings. Utilize dark and earthy colored launderable markers to impersonate tooth rot and pits. Have them balance it in the washroom or use it as a suggestion to brush their dentitions all the more much of the time. Painting Activity Utilizing xanthous structure paper cut out a few major tooth structures. Demonstrate the structures to your child and talk about how dentitions can go xanthous on the off chance that you do non brush them or on the off chance that you eat a group of things that can hurt your dentitions. Give your child white shade to use and state him to pretend that it is toothpaste. Let him use the â€Å" toothpaste † and a paintbrush to do the teeth spotless and white again. Emotional Play Assemble the entirety of the stuffs important to do a pretend tooth specialist office. You will require a seat, toothbrush, mirror, and whatever else that can do the scene increasingly practical and joy, for example, a white shirt to have on as a tooth specialist ‘s coat. Lie back in the seat and permit your kid pretend to be a tooth specialist as he looks at your oral pit, professes to brush your dentitions and Tells you if your dentitions are sound. Showcasing this situation may help your child to comprehend the significance of venturing out to the tooth specialist and do the existent visit all the more engaging. 6. Essential Hygiene Dental Instruments A few instruments ought to be utilized day by day to clean dentitions and gums. Toothbrush A toothbrush evacuates supplement and plaque left on the dentition and gums. Toothpaste Toothpaste is accessible in gels, poundings or glues that guide take plaque on the dentition and gums. Toothpaste can join specialists that can brighten dentitions, fortify gums, and nullify awful breath. Floss Floss is made using slim strands of nylon or plastic. Floss expels supplement that ‘s caught between dentitions, each piece great as the little film of bacteriums that covers dentitions. The American Dental Association suggests that individuals floss every day. Swish Mouthwash contains H2O, intoxicant and purifying specialists as the essential fixings. Mouthwash assists cut with bringing down plaque, cover and control terrible olfactory property, brighten dentition, and limit gum disease. Your tooth specialist may rede you to use mouthwash everyday relying upon your dental requests. 7. Brushing Your Dentitions Correctly: Dental Care and A ; Oral Hygiene: How to†¦ You should brush your dentitions in any event twice a twenty-four hours. A delicate fiber toothbrush will clean without harming the gums. Be cautious non to be in an over-plentiful way. 2 proceedingss of appropriate brushing is acceptable bounty. Clean the external surfaces of your upper dentition, so your lower dentition Clean the inside surfaces of your upper dentition, so your lower dentition Clean the rumination surfaces For fresher breath, be sure to brush your lingua, exorbitantly Tilt the coppice at a 45A ° point against the gumline and region or divert over the coppice off from the gumline. Delicately brush the outside, inside and chewing surface of every tooth using sh

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Thermodynamic Analysis and Performance Characteristics

Aeronautic design SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN THE THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTRISTICS OF A TURBOFAN JET ENGINE By J. E, Ibok 2011 Supervisor: Dr Lionel Ganippa ABSTRACT This work centers around the exhibition investigation of a twin spool blended stream turbofan motor. The principle objective was to research the impacts of utilizing hydrogen, lamp fuel and gaseous petrol fuel on the exhibition attributes, for example, net push, explicit fuel utilization and propulsive proficiency of the turbofan.Another point of this work was to present the idea of exergy and thermoeconomics examination for twin spool blended stream turbofan motor and show the parts that contributes the most to the wastefulness of the motor. A conventional reenactment was done utilizing Gas Turb 11 programming to acquire sensible investigation results that were confirmed with an ongoing JT8D-15A turbofan motor. The parametric investigation was accomplished for steady estimation of ma ss stream pace of fuel and consistent turbine gulf temperature for every one of the three fuels.The result were legitimately gotten for these examination cases and talked about likewise. Brunel University Mechanical Engineering Academic Session: 2010/2011 Name of Student: Johnson Essien Ibok Supervisor:Dr Lionel Ganippa Title: The Performance Characteristics and Thermodynamics Exergy and Thermoeconomics examination of a Twin Spool Mixed Flow Turbofan Engine Operating at 30,000ft at M0 0. utilizing Kerosene, gaseous petrol and Hydrogen Fuel. Theoretical: This work centers around the exhibition examination of a twin spool blended stream turbofan motor. A nonexclusive recreation was done utilizing Gas Turb 11 programming to get sensible examination results that were confirmed with an ongoing JT8D-15A turbofan motor. The parametric investigation was accomplished for steady estimation of mass stream pace of fuel and consistent turbine bay temperature for each of the three fuels.The resul t were legitimately gotten for these examination cases and talked about in like manner. Destinations: The fundamental point of this work is to lead the parametric cycle reenactment of a twin spool blended stream turbofan motor and explore the exhibition attributes of it. Another point of this work is to show the impacts of utilizing hydrogen, Kerosene and gaseous petrol fuel on the general execution of the twin spool blended stream turbofan engine.Also, the motivation behind this work is to present the utilization of the second law of thermodynamics investigation known as exergy and thermoeconomics in examination the twin spool blended stream turbofan motor Background/Applications: This work is appropriate from multiple points of view with regards to the general execution improvement and possibility investigation of a fly motor. This work identifies with the aviation and flight businesses since the turbofan motor is among the tremendous number of stream motor utilized in impetus of aircrafts.There is expanding pressure in the avionics business to diminish contamination and consumption of vitality assets while simultaneously keeping up sensible speculation cost and high in general execution. Henceforth, this exploration was directed in order to come up with another answer for this issue. Ends: The principle end drawn from the presentation examination is that hydrogen fuel created the most elevated push level and the least explicit fuel utilization between the three fills for a steady mass stream pace of fuel.Kerosene fuel produced push level can be expanded on the off chance that it is blended in with a limited quantity of hydrogen. The Exit fly speed proportion stayed steady regardless of the expanding sidestep proportion for each of the three energizes at consistent mass stream pace of fuel. Utilizing the exergetic examination indicated that the burning chamber and the blender contributed the most to the wastefulness of the turbofan motor. The measure of exer gy moved into the turbofan motor by hydrogen was exhausted in the littlest proportion contrasted with petroleum gas and lamp fuel for consistent mass stream pace of fuel.The thermoeconomics investigation demonstrated that it is desirable over utilize nearby based cost assessment to amount explicit thermoeconomics cost of push than the worldwide technique since the worth was lower. Results: The outcomes got from the reenactment utilizing Gas Turb 11 delivered a mistake scope of 0. 25% †8. 5% when checked with the genuine test information of the JT8D-15A turbofan motor. The outcomes acquired for the investigation characterized a reference configuration point where the parametric examination was directed on. The examination was done in three cases as demonstrated unmistakably in the test grid in table 1 below.Analysis| Parameters being varied| Parameters Kept Constant| Performance Characteristics| case 1| * Bypass proportion * Turbine Inlet temperature| * HPC Pressure Ratio * LPC Pressure Ratio * Fan Pressure Ratio| * Velocity proportion * Fuel-Air-proportion * Turbine gulf temperature * Net push * Specific Fuel Consumption * Thermal effectiveness * Propulsive efficiency| case 2| * Bypass Ratio * Three distinctive fuelsmH2mCH4mC12H23| * Mass stream pace of fuel * HPC Pressure Ratio * LPC Pressure Ratio * Fan Pressure Ratio| | Case 3| * Bypass Ratio * Three diverse fuelsmH2mCH4mC12H23| * Turbine delta temperature * HPC Pressure Ratio * LPC Pressure Ratio * Fan Pressure Ratio| | Table 1 The Test network of the Parametric Analysis. The exergy examination was accomplished for the parametric investigation of case 2 and case 3 where the exergy demolition rates, exergetic proficiency, exergy improvement potential rate and fuel consumption proportion were determined. The dispersion of these outcomes all through every segment of the turbofan motor was spoken to with bar graphs and Grassmann chart. The thermoeconomics examination was directed for investigation case 2 utilizing lamp oil fuel.The explicit thermoeconomics cost of push was determined utilizing worldwide and nearby based cost assessment techniques. Affirmations First of all, I might want to thank my folks for their money related help and consolation in light of the fact that without them I would not be here and have the option to accomplish this work. I am profoundly appreciative to my boss, Dr Lionel Ganippa for having confidence in me and allowing me the chance to work with him in this field of study. I am likewise appreciative to him for offering the important direction and guidance and his excitement and imaginative thoughts roused me. At last, I might want to express gratitude toward Mr Joachim Kurzke for furnishing me with the vital programming required for my paper. Table of ContentsAcknowledgements I Contents ii List of Notations and Subscripts iv List of Tables vi List of Figures vi Chapter 1: Introduction1 1. 1. Points and Objectives2 1. 2. Computational Modeling3 Chapter 2 : Jet Engines4 2. 1. Execution characteristics4 2. 1. 1. Thrust4 2. 1. 2. Warm Efficiency5 2. 1. 3. Propulsive efficiency5 2. 1. 4. In general efficiency6 2. 1. 5. Explicit Fuel Consumption6 2. 2. Fuel and Propellants For Jet Engines7 Chapter 3: Turbofan Jet Engines †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦8 3. 1. Presentation 8 3. 2. Grouping of Turbofan Engines9 3. 3. Significant Components of a Turbofan Engine10 3. 3. 1. Diffuser10 3. 3. 2. Fan and Compressor11 3. 3. 3. Ignition Chamber12 3. 3. 4. Turbine13 3. 3. 5. Fumes Nozzle14 3. 4.Thermodynamic Process and Cycle of a Twin Spool Mixed Flow Turbofan Engine15 Chapter 4: Mathematical and Gas turb 11 Modeling of the turbofan Engine18 4. 1. Station Numbering and Assumptions18 4. 2. Configuration Point Cycle Simulation of the Turbofan Engine18 4. 3. Off-plan Point Cycle Simulation of the Turbofan En gine21 4. 3. 1. Module/Component Matching 22 4. 3. 2. Off-Design Point Component Modeling22 Chapter 5: Methodology, Results and Discussions26 5. 1. General Relationship conditions of the Major Parameters27 5. 2. Results and Discussions of Parametric cycle Analysis of Case 129 5. 3. Results and Discussions of Parametric Cycle Analysis of Case 235 5. 4.Results and Discussions of Parametric Cycle Analysis of Case 343 Chapter 6: Exergy and Thermoeconomics Analysis of the Turbofan Engine49 6. 1. Exergy Analysis49 6. 1. 1. Exergy Analysis Modeling 50 6. 1. 2. Exergy and Energy Balance Equations of the Components58 6. 1. 3. General Relationships in Exergetic Analysis of the Turbofan Engine60 6. 1. 4. Results and Discussions61 6. 1. 5. Grassmann Diagram72 6. 2. Thermoeconomics Analysis74 6. 2. 1. Thermoeconomics Analysis Modelling74 6. 2. 2. Worldwide Based Cost Evaluation76 6. 2. 3. Neighborhood Based Cost Evaluation77 6. 2. 4. Results and Discussion of the Thermoeconomics Analysis78 Chapt er 7 Conclusions and Future Work80 Reference Appendix An Exergy Analysis Results Appendix B Thermoeconomics Analysis resultsList of Notations and Units ?| Isentropic efficiency| ?| Total Pressure ratio| m| Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)| f| Fuel/Air Ratio| M| Mach Number| Pt| Total weight (kPa)| Tt| Total Temperature (K)| NCV| Net Calorific Value (MJ/kg)| Ht| Total Enthalpy (kJ/kg)| V| Velocity (m/s)| ?| Bypass Ratio| T| Static Temperature (K)| P| Static Pressure (kPa)| N| Actual Spool Speed (RPM)| Nc| Corrected Spool Speed (RPM)| mc| Corrected Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)| R| Universal Gas Constant (kJ/kmolK)| ?0| Standard Chemical Exergy (kJ/kmol)| Ex| Exergy Rate (MW)| xi| Mole Fraction| cp| Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (kJ/kgK)| ?| Ratio of Chemical Exergy to NCV| ?| Exergetic Efficiency| | Fuel Depletion Ratio| W| Power Rate of Work done (MW)| List of Subscripts| | LPT| Low Pressure Turbine| HPT| High Pressure Turbine| CC| Combustion Chamber| HPC| High Pressure Compressor| LPC| Low Press ure Compressor| d| Diffuser| noz| Nozzle| mix| Mixer| dest| Destruction Rate| 0, ambFAR| Ambient conditionFuel-Air-Ratio| CH| Chemical| PH| Physical| KN| Kinetic| PN| Potential| IP| Exergy Improvement Potential Rate (MW)| CRF| Cost Recovery Factor| c| Specific Thermoeconomic Cost (MJ/kg)| STD| Standard Temperature and Pressure| TIT| Turbine Inlet Temperature| TSFC| Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (g/kNs)| SFC| Specific Fuel Consumption| p| Propulsive| TH|

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Part C Analysis Of The

Part B Survey Of The IT Employment Market / Part C Analysis Of The Part B : Survey Of The IT Employment Market / Part C : Analysis Of The IT Employment Maket â€" Assignment Example > Job requirementsPlaying a central role in the integration support and specialized application for both the organization and the clientsDealing with many clients and using a number of applications, effectively providing support. Very good logistic background is required for this position. The best candidate to fill this post should have efficient reaction and high problem solving skills and knowledge of SAP. Duties and ResponsibilitiesRoutine support and offering solutions to the application problemsMinimize and manage all problems and issues of all applications to reduce operational downtimeEnsuring the smooth operations of windows environmental applications through proper system administrationAccurately dealing with the requests and efficiently supporting the system infrastructure. Relevant kills requiredRelevant 2 years experience in application Support environment and system integration. Experience and knowledge in Windows environment and SQL Server 2000/2005 environmentKnowled ge in Products and Applications in Data processing using SAP, Incident resolution and Problem Management Exemplary good skills in written and verbal communicationJob Title: C++ Developer (ItJobs. com. au. 2010)Job Ref No. JG6262Salary $70,000 - $100,000 Work Type: Full TimeLocation: Sydney Metro, NSWDate Posted: Thu19/08/2010Application Close: Not SpecifiedRelevant kills requiredExperience of 5 years and or above in C++High professionalism in object oriented software development Experience in provision of complex technical results and solutions   High level understanding of project experienceReal time applications and Exposure to low latencyJob Title Applications Consultant, Axapta Consultant, Microsoft Consultant (Careersandjobsuk. com. 2010)Job Ref No. : 6278Salary £50000 - £70000 per annum + Car allowance and excellent benefits Work Type: PermanentLocation: South eastDate Posted: 04/08/2010        Application Close: Not SpecifiedAd Placed By: careers and jobs UKOrganization/ Company name: Microsoft Job requirementsSignificant experience in ERP coupled with excellent understanding of the dynamics of Microsoft AX solutions, that that can be practiced to output tangible business benefits. The eligible candidate must possess good experience in promoting and developing a roadmap for organizational change with respect to systems deployment. The selected should assist in sales with project analysis, estimating the scope of work creation, presentation and proposal development. They should work hand in hand with clients and other team members in the project planning and implementation of Dynamics solutions. They should be responsible for the translating business needs on the awarded project into dynamically integrated and third party software and hardware solutions. This person should perform administrative and operational functions with respect to the project awarded. Experience Qualifications Skills and ExperienceAt least experience of 5 years in AX impleme ntation covering complete project life cycles in many sectors and experienced in key AX modules. Consulting skills including project leading, business consulting, , project definition, planning skills, proposal writing, estimating for engagementsRequirement gathering skills, running process workshops and business analysis Hands-on experience in, configuring, designing and customizing Dynamics AX to the latest version, Net, Web services, Microsoft Dynamics and XML Implemented AX or other ERP solutions within international Enterprise scale clientsBe a teams player with other developers offshore teams inclusiveIT Systems Trainer (Reed Scientific, 2010)Employer-Reed ScientificPosted-19 August 2010Reference-in trainer IT systemsCompany: Reed ScientificLocation-LondonJob Role-OtherSector- Education and Training

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Critique Study On A Skin Rash - 1880 Words

Ethics The critique study was approved by â€Å"the New York Medical College Committee for Protection of Human Subjects and by the institutional review board of each hospital† (Montecalvo et al., 2012, p. 506). As mentioned previously, exclusion criteria for the study included pregnancy, breast feeding, allergy, and skin conditions (Montecalvo et al., 2012). The researchers encountered an ethical issue when three patients developed a skin rash following the implementation of chlorhexidine bathing cloths during the second phase of the study. The researchers discontinued the bathing; however, they state that the bathing was â€Å"restarted in 2 of the 3 patients without adverse event† (Montecalvo et al., 2012, p. 508). It is not stated in the study the reason behind why the researchers chose to continue to re-apply the chlorhexidine bathing cloths or how long they waited before they reapplied the cloths. It is noted that with the third patient, chlorhexidine baths were discontin ued completely due to thrombocytopenia that resolved upon the discontinuation of the baths as well as several medications that the patient was taking (Montecalvo et al., 2012). The researchers failed to uphold the ethical principles of respect for persons and beneficence. Respect for persons, as defined by Geri LoBiondo-Wood and Judith Haber, means that people have the right to remain anonymous as well as the right to choose if they want to be a part of the research study (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2014, p. 256). ItShow MoreRelatedThe Sources of Contamination from Chemotherapy Essay1559 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen around in the 1950s there have been studies to find out the effect on the health care workers, particularly the pharmacists who make the drugs and nurses who administer the drugs to the patients. I will be focusing my research on the nurses who administer the chemotherapy drugs to the patients. Chemotherapy falls under the hazardous drug category due to the low levels of exposure nurses are exposed to while administering chemotherapy. The first study on oncology nurses and risks of chemotherapyRead MoreHealth And Safety Effects From Large Oil Spills And Their Clean Up2482 Words   |  10 Pagesfatigue, and musculoskeletal pain. Skin contact with oil and dispersants causes loss of fat tissue, resulting in dermatitis which ultimately predisposes to infections and secondary skin infections. Some individuals have been reported to develop dermal hypersensitivity reaction from direct contact with oil spill and the gases and vapor released into the atmosphere. The extent of skin damage varies between individuals but edema, erythema, burning sensation and variety of rash have been reported in cleanupRead MoreAdult Gerontology Primary Care Provider Msn / 8662015 Words   |  9 Pagesscreening, order written, patient will call to set up appointment. Patient up to date on tetanus, next vaccination is 1/1/2016 Review of systems: General: Patient denies fever, chills, malaise, weight loss or weight gain, denies changes in appetite. Skin: denies blisters, rashes, wounds. Eyes, ears, mouth: Patient denies difficulty with vision or double vision. Denies any eye pain, inflammation, discharge, denies history of glaucoma or cataracts, denies hearing loss or trouble hearing, denies soreRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages.................................................................................. 488 The Scientific Method ........................................................................................................................ 490 Some Case Studies ............................................................................................................................. 491 Review of Major Points ............................................................................................Read MoreAutobilography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic116934 Words   |  468 Pagesneeded it the most. But it wasn’t easy. I wasn’t only the black sheep. If something disappeared, I got blamed. It was of course the correct thing to do. I was the poor guy. When the others had the best football shoes fron the beginning with kangaroo skin, I bought my first shoes from â€Å"Ekohallen† for fifth nine kronor (six euro), it was a couple of shoes that were placed next to the tomatoes and vegetables, and so it continued. I never had anything flashy when it came down to stuff like that. When

Friday, May 8, 2020

How Individual Employee s Behavior At Work Might Be...

P1.3: Discussing how individual employee’s behavior at work might be influenced by different factors of GSK Around is a convinced way persons work in a precise circumstances. Not at all dualistic individuals act in comparable habits. There are personalities who discovery it problematic to holder pressure although present are positive individuals who have the capability to face sudden conditions with a smile. Personal: Employees possibly will practice a little spit and skill on certain of their abilities and capabilities. Instructions to period it awake seeming in their presentation evaluation time subsequently time with little to no development to state of. The GSK employees know they actually need them to advance. In reflects in their†¦show more content†¦Leaders and employees are flattering ever more conscious of their establishment’s environmental influences. Task-2: P2.1: Comparing the effectiveness of the different leadership styles at GSK with any other organization. Leadership styles make sure major effects not only in minor dealings but also in the world s largest businesses. These elegances have emotional impact one and all from top management to the up-to-date institution confine. They generate the business culture that inspirations the organization and its recital. Some leadership styles are use in GSK which are Democratic: In democratic leadership, this style is typically well-thought-out the finest decision for most businesses. The conflicting of oppressive leadership, this style highlights that management proposals guidance to its teams and subdivisions while compliant effort from distinct operate memberships. In GSK is fully controlled by democratic leadership because when GSK prepare any kind of vaccines or medicines they make up a decision by seeking with staffs. Autocratic: In autocratic style visibly states the separation amongst leaders and personnel. Autocratic leaders create judgments with slight or no participation from staffs. Sometime GSK use this leadership when it doesn’t find any approaches from employees. Authoritarian: This type of leader performances by way of a father figure. Authoritarian leader makes decision but may consult. This is the need to support staff as like GSKShow MoreRelatedAnalyze How Theories Of Motivation And Human Behavior Impact1626 Words   |  7 Pages Analyze how theories of motivation and human behavior impact strategies of change management Behavioral management theory was developed in response to the need to account for employee behavior and motivation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effective Persuasion Week Six Assignment Free Essays

The author did a magnificent Job to persuade my thinking toward health care system in the United States that health care should be considered as a fundamental right to all U. S. Citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Persuasion Week Six Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The author’s essay was easy to follow, well constructed, and straight-forward to his topic sentence. Writer had a strong introduction, supportive points, and a conclusion. The author provided enough facts to support his [her argument regarding health insurance should be accepted as basic right for all the U. S. Citizens Just like education. Health care converges are very expensive that a normal person cannot effort. I like the fact he presented in his/ her writing that even citizens with health insurance will still end up paying out of their pocket. Insurance companies more concerns about their profits than providing health coverage. There is always a waiting list or have to wait in line to see a doctor even if you are covered by insurance. The entire U. S citizens have to stand up and fight for their rights. I also legalized that the author did not use any I statements, which means the author is not bias. That is true that having health care system to the U. S. Citizens will save many lives and courage the health of all Americans. I will be using feedback from Written to make my persuasive essay more effective. Wrestling’s feedback helps to fix some of the common grammar errors such as leaving out commas, right words choices; using awkward construction such as â€Å"his/her†, spelling check, and much more can help me to make my persuasive essay more effective. Written also recommend avoiding using first and second person such as I and You in sentences. With the help of Written my essay will be grammar error free, which will sound much better when the reader will be reading it. My essay will persuade my audience every effectively. I will make sure my essay is error free and well constructed. I will be using all sorts of sentences types in my essay to ensure my audiences do not get bored or lose his/her interest while reading my essay. I will be providing strong facts and examples to support my topic sentence. To make sure my essay is not bias I will ensure not to use gender pronouns such as â€Å"he,† â€Å"she,† â€Å"him/her,† or any of these substitutions. Use of gender pronouns is awkward in academic writing and can divert the audiences from the point you are trying to make. To fix this dilemma I will be using plural nouns such â€Å"their† or â€Å"they. † I will ensure not to use â€Å"l† statement sentences such as â€Å"l think† or â€Å"l believe† to make my essay sound opinionated and ensure to provide both side of the stories so the audience do not think the my essay is biased. By Sizing How to cite Effective Persuasion Week Six Assignment, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Business Plan JAMA Company

Executive Summary The car wash industry develops rapidly to respond to the increasing needs and demands of customers. The JAMA Company is one of the leading companies within the market, which works to provide the high-quality services and increase the company’s competitive advantage.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Business Plan: JAMA Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The JAMA Company’s strengths are the focus on the provision of the top quality services and the 24-hour support for all the customers in different communities because of using the innovative technologies. The Business Description The JAMA Company is a corporation which operates within the field of car wash services. The company works to guarantee the provision of its customers with such services as normal cleaning, outside polishing, and full polishing. Being at the high stage of the development, the company plans to increa se the competitive advantage while orientating to utilizing the effective technologies such as apps for making calls and using the call center services to reach customer at different places within a short period of time. It is possible to forecast that at the end of the third year, the company will pay dividends close to the highest percentage norm to its shareholders. The  principal aim of the business plan is to communicate this prospect to the JAMA Company investors operating in the car wash industry and to attract more investors to participate in the business as well. The JAMA Company intends to have the two years loans that will cover its business operations during the first three months. Such forecasting tools as the time series analysis, regression, and correlation analysis are incorporated in the business plan in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the predictions in relation to the expected revenues. The current organization structure is based on the work of ten sales ex ecutives, and it is expected that each representative is able to work with more than five customers per hour, depending on the urgency of the services which are discussed and provided. Following the assumption mentioned above, it is possible to note that the company can work for 50,000 clients per year while providing the high-quality services.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mission Statement The mission of the JAMA Company is to provide the high-quality services in relation to normal cleaning, outside polishing, and full polishing in order to satisfy the customers’ needs with references to the use of specific apps and call center services to contact the customers quickly and successfully. The JAMA Company develops to become the leading service supplier of car wash services within the industry. The company is devoted to creating a binding association with its custom ers by providing the excellence service as well as the effective customer support. The company’s strategic goals and objectives are to grow steadfastly, becoming profitable during the third month of operations as it is depicted in the business plan. Products and Services The JAMA Company plans to operate effectively basing on the work of four car wash small and mobile stations to provide the car wash services in four different locations. The work of these car wash stations should depend on the effective communication with the customers with the help of such technology as the call apps and with the help of call centers to ease the provision of services as well as to improve the efficiency of service provision, while guaranteeing the immediate feedback. The company intends to provide the segregation of duties in relation to providing the cleaning, outside polishing, and full polishing services. The use of reports and performance assessments can lead to the better administration of business. Thus, the initiative can contribute to the increased profits for the company. Marketing Strategies Consumer Inducement The JAMA Company focuses on car wash services. The corporation is created as a personalized service for its customers to provide the systematic services. The company can differentiate itself among the other competitors within the industry because of offering the high-quality services for the customers. A good business strategy enables the company to overcome the competitors since the orientation to the customers’ final decisions is prevailing. The JAMA Company has strived to provide the high-quality product to the clients while guaranteeing the superior services with attractive prices that can be discussed as convincing for the customers to use the proposed services.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Business Plan: JAMA Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the co mpany’s perspectives, the current generation of customers has the special powers in influencing the selling-purchasing relations. That is why the company demonstrate the concern about the customer’s preferences and orients to the customers’ interests and decisions in order to satisfy them completely relying on the customer lock strategy as the way to reduce the negative effects of competition within the industry. The company studies the customers’ opinions on the services to receive and understand the feedback on the company’s services. The company plans to refer to the effective sales promotion and advertising strategies, ensuring that the company’s services are fully accepted by the customers. To contribute to the sale promotion, the company intends to employ an expert to control the business promotion strategies and work with the latest technologies. The implementation of the idea to use the call apps and efficient call centers is rather effective to promote the company’s services as well as to build the reputation within the industry. As a result, the implementation of these strategies makes customers use the promoted services since they are attracted to the company. This situation can lead to the increased revenue in relation to the business development. Advertisement and Promotion The company’s advertising and promotional strategies are organized and developed basing on three major perspectives which are the public relations, promotion of the Internet site, and the improvement of the company-customer relations. Public relations The JAMA Company relies on providing the information about the company and services in newspapers and magazines. These efforts will be realized with references to developing the stories concerning the company’s mission and objectives, concrete actions and services, the company’s potential customers as well as the company’s personnel. All these attempts an d approaches can guarantee the acceptance and recognition of the company and its services within the community. Thus, such strategies can lead to the enhanced profits of the company in return because of creating the good reputation of the company to the public’s perception and feedback.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Building good relations with the public is a key approach to the successful business because the potential clients can be attracted to a company which focuses on the sustainable relations with the community. The company communicates with the community within which it operates with references to the concept of the corporate social responsibility. Thus, the principle of the social responsibility is the key to the successful business as it can boost the company’s image in the public’s eyes, and this situation can lead to reduction of misunderstanding within the community in relation to the company’s services. The customers will be ready to use the company’s product when they experience the need for the product and services. Thus, good public relations must be upheld with references to succeeding in the competitive market where customers have the power to decide what to buy and where to buy as well. The development of the website for promoting the companyâ₠¬â„¢s services would enable the business to reach many customers within a short period and rather easily. The focus on the other promotional techniques can cost about $ 25,000 since an expert should be employed to develop specific strategies to attract more customers to the business because the company’s employees often do not have the relevant expertise in the field. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the management and marketing departments in order to use all the benefits expected from the implementation of the innovative technologies for supporting the services proposed by the company for the customers belonging to four different communities. That is why it is important not only to provide the detailed information about the advantages of using the call apps and call centers for the target audience but also to refer to the customers’ interests which can be different with the references to the definite communities or locations. The company’ s website To receive the information about the customers’ satisfaction in relation to the company’s services within a short period, it is necessary to promote the materials about the use of four new locations for car washing, available apps, and call centers with the help of the JAMA Company’s website. The use of the Internet as a tool of advertising and as the part of the promotion strategy is effective because the Internet resources can be discussed as the fast-growing and key promotional channels. The Internet promotional campaign is expected to be successful because it is a convenient way of communicating the customer within a short period of time. The focus on the Internet resources and social networks can become the part of the major promotional strategy used by the company since almost many people have the access to the Internet connection, and it can be easy for the company to win the customers’ attention. The Internet cost is minimal if there wil l be reductions in advertising and promotion costs. That is why the company is oriented to creating a website for advertising the services. The company-customer relations The company intends to maintain the customer records in relation to sales by phone, and the business can use a lot of information on the company’s customers to modify the approach to selling services. In order to achieve the maximum from the customer look-in strategy as well as to focus on the reduction of hostile competition within the industry, the business orients to retaining details about each customer’s behaviors and attitudes to ensure that the services that they are given are satisfactory. The focus on feedbacks is relevant since the company is able to correct any minor mistakes that the customer can notice while attracting new customers to the company. These strategies can lead to the reduction in competition, the customer lock-in as well as to increasing the competitive advantage. The Operat ions Plan The first step is the selection of the four specific locations for placing the mobile and small car wash stations. The location of the company’s car wash services centers is strategically important to guarantee the easy access of the customers to the provided services. The main aim of planning the effective location of services centers is to ensure that customers are in a position to have the services done by the company without seeking any external parties for assistance. The company’s estimates to cover the rent payments are of $ 240,000 totally per annum as well as the expected material costs are of $120,000. The JAMA Company is a new competitor within the market, and a good strategic position and location with references to the car wash centers and call centers will guarantee the availability of the company’s services. While analyzing the perspectives, it is essential to pay attention to the customers’ behavior, their needs, and to the price they prefer. The business can take advantage of the situation in order to reduce the time necessary for the product to be recognized within the market and be fully accepted by the customer. This approach can lead to the reduction in start-up costs, advertising and promotional costs. Thus, the company’s management considers the choice of location as the focus on the strategically useful places to locate four different stations which services can contribute to the competition within the industry. The company intends to develop the 24-hour provision of the assistance and support for the customers with the help of call centers and modern call apps. The company tries to ensure that its services are available at any time, and it provides the friendly services to the customers. The company is oriented to establishing the balanced services provided to its clients. This approach will contribute to improving the company’s image and its reputation among customers. The use of the call apps and developed call centers with the highly technological equipment will enable the company to enlarge the number of the sales representatives to react to the customers’ calls. The use of innovative technologies contributes to utilizing the full on-screen data on the customers and the services they want to be offered since the company intends to have four outlets or stations that will provide the equitable services to the customers in relation to their preferences. The company will have the full data on the customers’ needs so as to provide the satisfactory services. In this case, the implementation of call centers services and the use of call apps to support the four new stations in different locations are based on the use of top technologies and proper equipment. The next stage is the recruitment of the support team. The business intends to distribute jobs to persons in relation to their qualification, and the company ensures that each worker knows what is expected and what duties should be performed. New employees will be required to pass specific tests developed by the company’s management team before beginning the recruitment process in the company because the business aims to hire quality workers. The business outfit policy will command the management team to regulate the company’s following the right path to succeed and to demonstrates professionalism in the industry. The Financial Plan and Forecasts The Financial Summary The JAMA Company focuses on providing the car washing services in four different parts of the country within the same period of time. Referring to the financial analysis worked out for the first year of the company’s operation, it is possible to state that the company relies on raising a net profit in $329,000 after the first year of operation while fixing the net total for the first month of implementing the idea as 21,500 and the net profit in -30,500 and for the twelfth month – the net total in 113,000 and the net profit in 71,000 (Figure 1). Figure 1 The company plans to have a steady growth rate in relation to the sales. This strategy will be attained with the focus on the latest technologies for providing services as well as with the concentration on guaranteeing the customer satisfaction in different regions in which the business will be operated. The number of clients expected during the first year of operation with the use of call centers and call apps will be increased with references to the implemented promotional strategy. The company plans to earn the revenue of $54,000 per annum from the cleaning department, $255,000 from the outside polishing, and $534,000 from the full polishing. The revenue from different departments would amount $843,000 per annum after the second year of operation with the new technologies. The Operating Costs It is also necessary to calculate the possible operating costs for the first year of providing the services in order to see the complex picture of the potential revenues and predict all the expenses and gains. The company’s monthly expenses include expenses on salaries, fuels, material, and housing as well as on insurance and visa (Figure 2). Moreover, it is essential to predict the expenses on rents, advertising and promotional companies, the new equipment in call centers, and the use of call apps along with the specific phone equipment for the support teams. Figure 2 The detailed analysis presents some favorable trends in sales forecasting and, as a result, such other factors as the intensive capital rationing as well as the effects of inflation might inhibit the achievement of the estimates. Some measures have been undertaken to minimize the adverse effects of those externalities. The management team believes that the only factor that inhibits attainment of this budget analysis is the effective financial plan. All the other factors contributing to the achievement of this forecasting hav e been fully incorporated, and the company’s management team considers that as soon as the financial plan is developed, the business can have no other focus than the orientation to the high returns. The sales projection aims at ensuring that the fixed cost should be preserved at the minimal level since the changes can affect the break-even point. The company is a new competitor within the industry, and the high fixed costs as start-up costs accentuate the possible downfall in business and that is why it is important to provide the realistic forecasting that incorporates all the elements of the financial forecasting while constructing and analyzing potential estimates. The Break-Even Point In order to propose some assumptions of the financial development of the company, it is necessary to calculate the break-even point according to which the company’s expenses and profits are equal (Figure 3). Figure 3 The focus on the situation when there are no financial losses or ga ins in relation to revenues is necessary to forecast the potential profits in the future. The JAMA Company can earn no profit or loss when it reaches a break-even point with references to spending $ 33.97 per unit of services provided as it is calculated below. Contribution margin per unit total contribution /No. of unit produced. Contribution margin per unit (2,085,000 / 2035) = 1024.57 Break even point = (total fixed / contribution margin per unit) Break even point = $ 34, 800 / $ 1024.57= $ 33.97 This point is regarded as a stable point at which the company will signifying that the liquidity position of the business can be rather high in relation to the low ratio. The break-even point can be achieved within a reasonable time, accentuating the useful income statement projection. The statement of the company’s financial position, as well as the aspects of the cash flow, can depict a positive trend, and the strong capital base can be enhanced since the margins of safety will be low, and the company will focus on the proper stock management in order to guarantee the constant supply of material as well as the provision of services to the customer. The poor inventory system would make the company to have a bad reputation with the customer. Return on Investment The company can also achieve 24% return on investment with references to the stated net profit after calculating taxes and with references to the total assets. Thus, the company intends to use the funding from external sources as well as from their sources which is worth 15% of the total value of the initial capital required and seeking 85% from the outside funding. Business Control Quality Control The company’s workers need to have the necessary high skills and expertise in field of support and providing the car wash services. The JAMA company intends to use the specific software to manage investigation on the personnel’s effectiveness in order to control the quality of the services pr ovided. This approach can guarantee that all the received calls with the help of call apps are dealt with in the similar manner and with references to the ethical code of conduct developed for the company since the customers require the high-quality and professional services. We are going to ensure that the customers are encouraged to give feedback on the received services in relation to whether the company is able to deliver the services on time as well as whether the services which are offered to them meet the expectations, and whether the improvements should be implemented. Thus, the management, quality assurance, and sale departments control the company’s performance and focus on the customers’ reaction as well as on the areas which should be improved regarding the information on the productivity. Ensuring that the active cooperation exists between the company and the public living in the community, it is necessary to refer to the concept of the corporate social re sponsibility which contributes to building the effective business reputation. As a result, more clients will be attracted to the business. The employment of the well-trained and competent workers can also lead to the improved efficiency and to the increased production because the management team believes that a competent worker can understand the role of high-quality services in the business as well as the business goals and objectives. Thus, the company will provide the high-quality products and services along with offering the competitive and rather affordable price for customers. This approach to the promotional strategy can make more clients visit the company’s stations and service centers. Accounting Systems The company will concentrate on using the latest accounting software in business in order to manage the company financial system. This software is effective to check on the sales performance as well as promotional activities frequently. This process will enable the m anagement team to assess the productivity in relation to the observed revenues received by different stations located in different places. The JAMA Company provides the payment to workers basing on the performance reports and contracts, and it will be easy to assess the employees’ performance and to ascertain the employees who achieve the higher performance results. Long-Term Goals The company’s commercial purpose is to operate above or close to the break-even point at the end of the financial period with a steady growth rate during the next three years. The company focuses becoming profitable after the three months of the business operation depending on new technologies, four new stations, call centers, and on the use of call apps to receive and send the orders and feedbacks. The company orients to the net profit of at least $320,000 per annum with the profit margin being higher than 8% after three years from developing the business. Opportunities and Risks Today, the company provides three basic services, which are normal cleaning, outside polishing, and full polishing. The company will expect to diversify its business operations and services provided as well as to expand the services in relation to the work of the support team with the help of call centers established to support the work of four new small stations located in different regions of the country. The company also plans to negotiate the insurance contracts to safeguard their properties against damages and possible risks. The JAMA Company also plans to implement the superior service content as well as the additional investing in other ventures while ensuring the work of the effective and updated database management systems. This procedures and approaches will lead to improved client loyalty as well as to increasing the competitive advantage. The threats for the company’s development and operation within the market depend on the ineffective strategies used by the management tea m when the team tries to implement specific mechanisms to ensure that the company remains active in the market and within the industry. It is important to cope with the competitors within the industry while providing unique and superior products and services to the clients available with references to comparably low prices. Conclusion The mission of the JAMA Company is to become the principal service supplier of car wash services. The company is devoted to creating a binding association with its clientele with providing the excellent services as well as the adequate customer support with the help of call apps and call center services. These factors are important because customers are inclined to choose car wash service centers, which can guarantee the provision of the top quality services in relation to cleaning and polishing cars. That is why the company’s strategic goals and objectives are to achieve the rapid growth and to become profitable during the third month of provid ing operations. To achieve the stated results, the JAMA Corporation currently plans to refer to establishing four services centers as rather small stations which activities are supported with the help of call centers and useful call apps. The focus on using innovative technologies is necessary to guarantee the company’s achievement of the significant competitive advantage. The main features of the car washing industry in which the JAMA Company operates are the presence of a large number of small competitors which can attract more customers while providing the high-quality services along with proposing the appropriate prices. While developing the work of new call centers and new four services centers, the management team of the JAMA Company should pay attention to such facts as the preferences of the local customers in relation to using the specific cleaning and polishing services during different periods. The JAMA Company should orient to the customers who are inclined to cho ose the high-quality services for adequate prices, thus, the company’s aim is to attract the price-conscious and quality-conscious customers while ensuring them that the company focuses on the high-quality 24-hour provision of services and support with the help of call centers and specific call apps. This report on The Business Plan: JAMA Company was written and submitted by user Charle1gh to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on Chemotherapy The Real Killer

Chemotherapy: The Real Killer It’s like a time bomb, slowly ticking away as certain death draws closer. Eventually, your body is unable to sustain life and you take your last breath. People you have trusted lied to you and your family, betrayal with no admission of fault. Poisons travel through your blood stream, laying waste to your immune system. Every year over 500,000 thousand people experience a situation similar to the above when being â€Å"treated† with chemotherapy drugs. To offer chemotherapy as an actual viable solution to any form of cancer is irrefutably a deadly decision on the part of the doctor, and a grave mistake for the patient. Completely eradicating your immune is not the approach one should use when struggling with a disease or virus. It simply does not make sense. Understanding why exactly chemotherapy is such a threat to a patients health, we must understand what exactly cancer is and how it works. If you look at cancer philosophically, you'll realize that cancer is immoral behavior at the level of cellular life. "Immoral Behavior" in all societies has always included the concept of sexual promiscuity. "Promiscuity" refers to unrestricted sexual activity sex often and with anyone at hand. (How Chemotherapy Works) Just as one human can engage in sexual promiscuity, so can one cell. When cells do this they start reproducing at an excessive rate. (How Chemotherapy Works) These sexually promiscuous cells begin reproduction cycle that breads cancer. This is the definition of cancer – abnormal cell growth. Usually it is cell growth that is more rapid than normal, but there can be other abnormalities. (How chemotherapy works) The entire process of chemotherapy treatment, the side-effects and aftermath is a long twisted tunnel built on lies and corruption. We will embark on this journey, as I will review medical journals, patient journals and personal experiences, to uncover the truth about the ong... Free Essays on Chemotherapy The Real Killer Free Essays on Chemotherapy The Real Killer Chemotherapy: The Real Killer It’s like a time bomb, slowly ticking away as certain death draws closer. Eventually, your body is unable to sustain life and you take your last breath. People you have trusted lied to you and your family, betrayal with no admission of fault. Poisons travel through your blood stream, laying waste to your immune system. Every year over 500,000 thousand people experience a situation similar to the above when being â€Å"treated† with chemotherapy drugs. To offer chemotherapy as an actual viable solution to any form of cancer is irrefutably a deadly decision on the part of the doctor, and a grave mistake for the patient. Completely eradicating your immune is not the approach one should use when struggling with a disease or virus. It simply does not make sense. Understanding why exactly chemotherapy is such a threat to a patients health, we must understand what exactly cancer is and how it works. If you look at cancer philosophically, you'll realize that cancer is immoral behavior at the level of cellular life. "Immoral Behavior" in all societies has always included the concept of sexual promiscuity. "Promiscuity" refers to unrestricted sexual activity sex often and with anyone at hand. (How Chemotherapy Works) Just as one human can engage in sexual promiscuity, so can one cell. When cells do this they start reproducing at an excessive rate. (How Chemotherapy Works) These sexually promiscuous cells begin reproduction cycle that breads cancer. This is the definition of cancer – abnormal cell growth. Usually it is cell growth that is more rapid than normal, but there can be other abnormalities. (How chemotherapy works) The entire process of chemotherapy treatment, the side-effects and aftermath is a long twisted tunnel built on lies and corruption. We will embark on this journey, as I will review medical journals, patient journals and personal experiences, to uncover the truth about the ong...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips The holiday season is a time when people can become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crimes. People are often in a rush buying gifts, decorating their homes, visiting friends or traveling. There is a big increase in the number of people that are out and about shopping at the malls and grocery stores, packing the parking lots, grabbing taxis, filling up the seats on rapid transit and waiting in lines at ATM machines. Late Nights Many stores extend hours late into the night. People head to the stores after work, then at closing time, you see them emerging with the dazed eyes of sleepwalkers. Amazingly, then the mall parking lots empty out in record time and within minutes become deserted. Without fail, there are always a handful of people wandering the lots alone, looking for where they parked their cars or digging through handfuls of shopping bags searching for their lost car keys. To normal, law-abiding people, all of this kind of holiday hoopla and pressure is just part of the festive mood of the season. And all the gaiety, unfortunately, also tends to cause people to let their innate sense of caution temporarily fall by the wayside. Why Thieves Love the Holiday Season All the hustle and bustle going on over the holidays gives thieves what they want, almost as much as an unlocked bank vault, and that is the opportunity to become invisible. By being as nondescript as possible, they can move through big crowds of rushed and distracted people without anyone noticing them. They can pickpocket and shoplift and when their victims realize that they have been robbed, they will have no idea who did it.   In most communities, the police work additional hours during November and December. They are kept busy the increase in traffic accidents, home fires, bar fights, and family disputes. Also, during the month of December, more people die of natural causes than any other time of the year. Police often have to change their regular routines and leave the nightly patrol through neighborhoods to answer emergency calls. Thieves Feed on Opportunities Thieves know that the police are overloaded during the holiday season and they take full advantage it. They thrive on the fact that the police and stores loss prevention staff have their hands full with amateur thieves who are hauled to jail for trying to steal from the electronics departments or waiting for the parents of pre-teens who pocketed the latest video game. In the meantime, the professional thieves are busy breaking into cars in the parking lots to steal gifts, cell phones, and electronics, or stalking and robbing or scamming the people who are alone. Some thieves prefer burglarizing homes. They spend their time walking neighborhoods, looking for houses that appear that the homeowners are away. Darkened homes nestled between neighbors with front yards bursting with holiday lights will draw their attention. Having the kids off from school is another concern because of the number of unsupervised teens hanging around without anything to do. Homes within neighborhoods are broken in more times by young male teens that live in or near the neighborhood. They often choose a home and then hang out to see when the homeowners leave each day. They might be so brazen and ring the doorbell, then pretend to try to sell something if anyone answers. How to Keep From Becoming a Holiday Crime Victim The following tips can help you be more careful, prepared and aware during the holiday season. Try to shop during the day, but if you do shop at night, do not do it alone.Dress casually and comfortably.Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible. Consider bringing a security travel pouch instead.Always carry your drivers license or identification along with necessary cash, checks and/or a credit card you expect to use.Recognize when you are rushed, distracted and stressed out, and stay alert to what is going on around you.Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.Keep cash in your front pocket.If you discover that a credit card is missing, notify the credit card company as soon as possible. Dont assume that you misplaced it and will find it later.Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in crowded shopping areas, terminals, bus stops, on buses and other rapid transit.Av oid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion if you are approached. Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, con-artists may try various methods of distracting you, including working in teams, with the intention of taking your money or belongings.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Puig's 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' Is Seducing the Reader Essay

Puig's 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' Is Seducing the Reader - Essay Example The descriptions of the movies are interrupted with men clarifying their attitudes and relationships. Though it may seem boring from the very beginning, the reader suddenly understands, that he has been led away by the author - as soon as he is involved into the next narration, Puig makes a theatrical gesture: it is high time for the prisoners to have a sleep, and thus the only thing left for us is to wait for the next part of the story. But the main line of seduction lies in the urge to discuss the questions of sex, homosexuality, which are directly related to the issues of morality. By describing the two men having sexual relations, Puig deconstructs the superiority of everything feminine in the world. As Valentine says, 'when it comes to our relationship.... We could make any damn thing out of it we want; our relationship isn't pressured since outside of this cell we may have our oppressors, yes, but not inside. Here no one oppresses the other' (p. 202), which shows the main deconstruction of the male behavior by Puig. In this way the author as if seduces us to think, that probably there is nothing immoral in homosexual relations between the two men, and that probably such relations have the right to exist, but here the question of morality comes into the conflict.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The senior management of your organization is of the opinion that Essay

The senior management of your organization is of the opinion that there should be social responsibility of managers. What do you understand by this, and how sho - Essay Example These actions threatened the firm, the employees, the community, and global financial concerns. With the proliferation of technology and hypercompetition, the drive to enhance the bottom line has often found firms in legal trouble or in a public relations nightmare. What part does the manager play in social responsibility? It’s managements role to set policies and guidelines for implementing a socially responsible agenda. Directors and managers need to maintain an awareness that the decisions they make affect the community, their health and safety, and the quality of life for people in a wide area. The welfare of the wider community has to be considered in any decision making process. Success is not measured by the immediate profit gained by the shareholders. When we define socially responsible policy, it is a concern for the well being of all the stakeholders and not just the owners. The social responsibilities of the directors and managers are the firms responsibilities towards society as implemented by management. Some of the most direct beneficiaries of a socially responsible policy are the employees of the firm. They are provided with a safe place to work whilst the firms responsible behaviour increases the level of job security. By creating a positive climate to work in, the firm is able to attract better and more dedicated employees. In this scenario, an investment in employee well being is returned through a better workforce. Almost all socially responsible policies and management decisions have a positive return. However, the firm often views these activities as expenses and will not, or can not, calculate their true cost or value. Policies need to be put in place to protect the health and safety of the customers and consumers. Managers that fail to act responsibly must be held accountable for their decisions. According to Davidmann (2002), "Those who wish to maximise profits regardless of

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Slavery Effect In Todays Society

The Slavery Effect In Todays Society In the eighteenth century there were an estimated six million slaves in the world. That number, large as it was, does not come close to the number of slaves in todays society. The current worldwide estimates are over twenty-seven million. Every year seventeen thousand slaves are trafficked into the United States, of that number, eighty percent are women and fifty percent of those (seven thousand) are children. Seventy percent of the females are imported for prostitution. It is astonishing how even though slavery is not seen or heard of much in todays society it still exists heavily and quietly affects our everyday life. It is extremely sad, yet, regretfully true. The history of slavery dates back to 1780 B.C. though laws have been passed in most countries that prevent, or at least lessen, slavery, it still exists today. By definition, slavery means the complete ownership and control by a master: to be sold into slavery. Slavery indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and degrading labor. Slavery occurs when people -known as slaves- were placed in servitude as the property of a household or company. Slaves are deprived of their personal freedom and compelled to perform labor or services. Slaves are the properties of another person, household, company, corporation, or government and are unable to leave or have any freedom. Primarily slaves were sold amongst companies, corporations, governments, or people. The practice of exporting slaves is called slave trafficking. Slavery is currently found in many countries all over the world. In other countries, though known by another name, it is still slavery. In Canada sl aves are called servants and in Nordic countries they are called thralls. In the year 1670 the first African slave was introduced to America. The slaves of that time period were treated poorly; most were beaten with whips for the slightest infraction. Most, were simply tired, hungry or thirsty; some just too old to do the work and were brutally beaten to death. Many slaves would die of illnesses like malaria or yellow fever because of their limited immunities to these diseases. Others died from malnutrition, poor living conditions, and exhaustion; there was a very high mortality rate among slaves. To this day slaves are still exploited all over the world even though we actually do not see it or hear about it. Although in most countries in todays society traditional slavery has been abolished, it still exists in some countries and much of the slavery that exists is done so illegally. Some of the countries that have abolished slavery are the United States, Africa, many European countries, and China. Though abolished, it still exists, just using a different title. The highest percentage of slavery that is seen in todays age is child labor. Many countries have enacted child labor laws, protecting the rights of children. Typically children are not allowed to work until they reach the age of fourteen. There are children as young as four working on plantations. Most child labor laws state that only children over the age of fourteen can work between the hours of seven in the morning until nine at night and no more than forty hours per week or eight hours in one day excluding school da ys in which they can work after school until 8:00 PM. Children, prior to the age of 18 must get a work permit filled out by their school before they are allowed to work; these children must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average in order to continue their employment. In many countries this is not the case and the childrens primary duty is work. These children do not have the chance of an education. Child labor is not the only form of slavery still in existence. Some companies maintain a policy of only enslaving adults, while others only employ children. Many children who are put into slavery end up working in clothing manufacturing plants also known as sweatshops. A sweatshop is a factory where workers make products in very poor working conditions. Child labor is also abused in harvesting cotton, fruits, and vegetables. Many slaves also work in sugar cane and coffee factories. The selling of females, as disgusting as this may sound, is still a common practice in some countries. Young women are often sold by their families for marriage, domestic uses, like cleaning and cooking, while others are sold into sex trafficking and were forced into prostitution. Many children are taken from their families to become soldiers. Countries such as Lebanon and Colombia regularly enlist young children to carry guns and become soldiers of war. Rarely is this considered a form of slavery, yet by definition, it is. As you can see there are many types of slavery that still exist today. The following exhibits how the name has changed but the practice is still the same. Bonded Labor occurs when people have taken a simple loan for something such as medicine, food or housing for themselves or their family and to pay it back they are put to work by the lender creating a type of slavery. With bonded labor often the child of the debtor are put to work in order to pay the bond. Early and Forced Marriage is the parental practice of selling off daughters as they reach adolescence. Daughters are sold for monetary gain. Frequently, there are also religious reasons for this practice. Their families give the girls into arranged marriages. They have no choice as to who they are to marry. Once married they are owned by their new husband. Forced Labor is where a person is forced into work by the threat of physical harm. Much like the slavery that we read of in our history books, these slaves work out of fear of violence. Slavery by Descent means simply that a child is born into slavery. The parents are slaves, thus the child is a slave. It just continues generation after generation. Trafficking, according to the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (C.A.S.T.), is the recruitment and transportation of persons within or across boundaries by force, fraud, or deception for the purpose of exploiting them economically. Trafficked people most commonly work in sweatshops, restaurants, on farms, in manufacturing, prostitution and as private domestic workers Sadly, many parents end up giving their child into slavery to pay off a debt or simply sell their own children for support their families. Many young women are raped by their owners ending up pregnant thus bring more children into the life of slavery. This article could have been written in 1808, or 1908, but sadly, it is being written in 2008. Youd think that in todays civilized society that slavery would truly have been completely abolished, however, the name has just been changed. Slavery affects todays society so much, even though we do not notice it, slavery is everywhere. Next time youre in a department store, pick up some of the products and look to see where they were manufactured. It is highly unlikely that it will have the name of a country with strict child labor laws in place. There are U.S. companies that even move their manufacturing plants outside of the U.S. in order to employ children at a lesser cost. It is extremely hard to believe but most products we use on a daily basis were produced in countries that allow this type of slavery. Products such as sugar, shoes, tea, coffee, chocolate, fruits, and vegetable are made by modern-day slaves. The U.S. Department of Labor disclosed that our countrys largest retailer, Wal-Mart, was fined a measly 135,000.00 for violating child labor laws. The violation: Children operating chain saws and box crushing machinery. Toys-R-Us was cited for working 14-year-old children late into the night. The management for this huge corporations stated that they misunderstood the child labor laws pertaining to how long they could work a fourteen-year-old child. While driving through a large city, maybe in the seedier part of town, notice the young girls on the streets. Where did they come from? Did slave traffickers transplant them here? Are they runaways with no other alternatives? Think about the practices of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. How is what was going on in Eldorado, Texas any different than sexual slavery? Over 200 women and children were recently taken from this remotely locate temple only after a teenage girl reported that she was being held there against her will and had been forced to marry a fifty year old man as well as have his child. Though illegal, it goes on unknown to most of us to this day. Most of us, unknowingly, support these new forms of slavery. We buy the products from the companies that employ these workers. We, as a nation, do little more than smirk when we read about the religious organizations that condone arranged, under-aged marriages as well as polygamy. In conclusion, though you may not see it, slavery still exists. It has taken on new forms. The name has changed. It doesnt look the same as we have read about in the history books but by any other name it is still slavery. Think about it next time you buy that cute tank top or stop in for your favorite latte.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Diamonds Are Forever (from Sierra Leone), Kanye West

Diamonds are Forever (from Sierra Leone), Kanye West The famous song â€Å"Diamonds are Forever (from Sierra Leone)† is not only a good song that is sung by a legendary music artist, Kanye West, but it is a hidden message political song that is directly talking about the precious blood diamonds from the southern countries of the continent Africa. When someone hears the two words â€Å"blood diamond,† most would probably assume that the diamonds are from Africa and that there are many people who die trying to mine for them.In reality, a blood diamond, also known by the names of conflict diamonds, converted diamonds, hot diamonds, or war diamonds, is a diamond that is mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, invading army's war efforts or a particular warlord's activity. These terms are particularly used in the context of diamond trading to indicate the negative effects for the sales of these said diamonds. Most of the blood diamonds are mined particularly i n Africa, where around two-thirds of the entire world's diamonds are extracted from.Overall, the main political issue that this song is referring to is the cold fought war for the control over Africa’s’ blood diamonds. The reason the country Sierra Leone is mentioned in the song is because of the huge war situations that the blood diamonds have caused. A little knowledge about this particular conflict; from the years of 1989 to 2003, the country of Liberia was engaged in a civil war. In the year of 2000, the United Nations accused Liberian president Charles G.Taylor of supporting the Revolutionary United Front insurgency in neighboring the country of Sierra Leone with weapons and proficient military training in exchange for blood diamonds. In the year of 2001, the United Nations applied sanctions on the Liberian diamond trade. In August of 2003, Taylor stepped down as the president, and after being exiled from Liberia to Nigeria, faced trial in The Hague. On July 21st of 2006, Taylor pleaded not guilty to the charged crimes against humanity and war crimes of which he was found guilty in April of 2012.It’s not too easy to tell if the diamond in the middle of a gold ring is a true blood diamond or not. In reality, there is no way to tell by looking with the naked eyes or even under a jeweler’s gem magnifying glass. Many influences about blood diamonds have been made famous. Some examples include the song â€Å"Diamonds from Sierra Leone† and the famous movie â€Å"Blood Diamond. † After listening to the song by rapper Kanye West, it sends out a deep message about what is going on in Africa on the war of diamonds. The music video that goes along with the song is also very powerful.A lot of the lyrics in the song include hidden descriptive messages about what happens because of these blood diamonds. Not nessacerily about blood diamonds, but what is happening to the southern African countries and what is happening to the pe ople who are forced to mine diamonds. In many cases, children are kidnapped and forced into slavery and forced to mine for diamonds. In other cases it is adults who are kidnapped from their families and forced to mine. After performing some brief research about the forced slavery for mining the diamonds, rebellion is typically not an answer.In simple prospective, people who are forced into the mining slavery are given simple choices; mine for diamonds or be killed, or mine for diamonds or you will be forced to kill your family and then you will be killed. This is just a sickening way of realizing that the diamonds on any wealthy persons’ fingers could not have only cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but also cost hundreds and hundreds of innocent lives that will never be remembered. In connection with the message to what the song â€Å"Diamonds are Forever† is trying to tell the whole world is that hundreds of thousands of people have died in Africa’s ongoin g diamond wars.One of the challenges now that we come face to face with is to prevent warlord empires from kidnapping and recurring, and to get diamonds to a safe place where they can be an engine of growth in the 15 African countries where they are mined, instead of a scourge. One of the verses from the song that really stands out to me is: â€Å"†What's up with you and Jay, man, are y'all ok man? † They pray for the death of our dynasty like Amen. Right here stands a man, with the power to make a diamond with his bare hands†¦ † This verse really stands out because of what it means to me.I believe it means that we are asking if people who are mining for diamonds are okay. In response, all we hear are the prayers that ask for the fall of their country, because people are being forced to exchange their enslaved lives for blood diamonds. But in reality, nobody knows who the â€Å"we† are and nobody knows who the people mining are because their lives have already been traded for diamonds. In simple words spoken by Kanye West himself, â€Å"Little is known of Sierra Leone, and how it connects to the diamonds we own. †

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Biography Examples

Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as America’s 32nd President. He came into power during The Great Depression and is one of the leaders who made a great impact in American economy and politics. His famous for championing for the New Deal; that was geared towards lifting America out of it then economic crisis. Both his critics and supporters would agree that he was one of America’s most influential presidents. Below is a short biographical account of Roosevelt’s life, political career and contributions to the American economy. Early Life and Education Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. Both his parents, James Roosevelt and Sara Ann Delano were form wealthy New York families of English decent. His early life was mostly influenced by his mother who was more dominant in his parenting than his father. Coming from such a wealthy family, Roosevelt grew up privileged. This life exposed him to several sports like polo, golf, shooting, sailing and rowing. He also travelled frequently to Europe; which made him fluent in French and German languages. Roosevelt went to Groton School which was a boarding school in Massachusetts. During his period in school, Roosevelt was greatly influenced by his head teacher, Mr. Anderson Peabody who taught them the responsibility of a Christian in uplifting the less fortunate in society. He later joined Harvard where he studied economics. He was the editor in chief of The Harvard Crimson Daily Newspaper. His fifth cousin Theodore Roosevelt became president during this period. President Theodore Roosevelt was his role model and a big influence in his leadership. He graduated from Harvard in 1903 with and received an honorary LLD from Harvard in 1929. Roosevelt married Eleanor, his fifth cousin who he met at a White House party. They got engaged when Roosevelt was 22 and Eleanor was 19. Despite resistance from his mother, they got married in 1905. His mother was a frequent visitor in his home in Springfield where they settled. This made the wife a bit uncomfortable. Between 1906 and 1916, they had all their six children, closely spaced. The marriage was however, not without scandal as Roosevelt had a long standing affair with a secretary, Lucy Mercer and also an alleged affair with his private secretary. Political Career Roosevelt was a democrat; he first vied for political office in 1910. He contested for the New York State Senate in Duchess County. His success in this election is attributed t his wealth, family name and great influence of the Roosevelt family in Hyde Park. Roosevelt got associated with a group, which opposed Tammany Machine. He led the group in campaigning against this group’s chosen candidate for the New York senate. His success in this put him in the national limelight and made him known to many. He was reelected to senate in 1912 and served as the chairman to the Agricultural Committee where he introduced many successful bills on farm and labor. He resigned from New York State Senate in 1913 and took up his appointment as Secretary to the US Navy. This appointment was by Woodrow Wilson who Roosevelt had supported in opposition to the Tammany Machine. Roosevelt made an attempt in running for U.S New York Senate seat and was defeated. This was attributed to the lack of support from Wilson’s side; this saw the victory for the candidate sponsored by the Tammany Group. The period during World War two saw Roosevelt try to introduce measures to support the war and combat the enemy. He was also in charge of dismantling the troupes after the war. He resigned from the position of Assistant Secretary to the Navy due to a much publicized sex scandal. He was chosen as the Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States by the 1920 Democratic National Convention. At this point he returned to practice law in New York but was poised to come back to politics. In 1921, Roosevelt suffered from an illness that was thought to be polio; this paralyzed him from the waist down. However, he never let the disease put him down. His condition was well kept from the public and he always appeared in public without a wheelchair. Between 1929 and 1932, Roosevelt served as New York State Governor. His first win was by a slight margin. During this period, he mended fences with most of his political enemies, including the Tammany Hall brothers. Presidential Elections and Presidency Having massive support from a populous state, Roosevelt stood a better chance of clinching the democratic nomination for the top presidency. Following his nomination, Roosevelt formed a coalition that included William Randolph Hearst, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., William Gibbs McAdoo and John Nance Garner who was given the vice-presidential nomination. This group brought together several different groups including minorities. It came to be known as The New Deal Coalition. Roosevelt was inaugurated as United States president on March 4th 1933. At this time America was going through its worst depression. Many people were jobless, several homes had been lost, famers were making losses and the cost of living was unbearable for many. This saw Roosevelt’s fierce intervention that was radical and impacted the poor and the vulnerable. This became known as ‘The New Deal’; which had its supporters and critics. Impact on the Economy through ‘The New Deal’ Policy The Wall Street Crash of October 1929 caused an unprecedented depression in American history. At the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the New York governor. With the Help of Harry Hopkins and Frances Perkins, he established the New York Emergency Relief Commission which was a great success that saw him win the Democratic presidential candidature for the 1932 general elections. This was due to his proposal of the New Deal. The depression greatly affected the economic status of women and the poor. About 20% of women in America were unemployed. For those who were employed, earnings were relatively low. However, the Civilian Conservation Corps taught women to be independent and created employment vacancies in some agencies of the new deal. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) focused on empowering farmers and creating job opportunities in the less modernized regions where these people lived. A hydroelectric power plant was revived to provide cheap power, control floods and provide recreational facilities for the residents. This would favor the Black Americans. The Farm Security Administration (FSA) offered â€Å"over $1 billion towards the establishment of camps for migrant workers.† Mexican Americans were to reap the benefits of this provision. The Indian reorganization act of 1934 was enacted to bring to an end the disposition of tribal lands. Furthermore, it was to deliver the unallocated lands to the native groups. This was good for the natives. Owing to this, the New Deal was acclaimed for addressing the woes of the minority groups who had been pressed by discrimination and racial segregation. The three main things that the New Deal sought to address; unemployment, recovery and structural reforms greatly impacted the lives of women and the underprivileged. Even though the New Deal had its failures, its successes can be seen on the improvements that it brought to American women in job creation and policy change. Due to the success and popularity of the New Deal, his second presidential bid against Alf Randon was won with a landslide. The Democrats also won a majority of seats.  Ã‚   The two- term legislation had not taken effect and this saw Roosevelt go for a third and fourth term. Roosevelt saw America through the World War two and spearheaded major legislations and US involvement in the war. His health started failing in 1944 and died of a massive stroke on 29 April 1945. Roosevelt’s journey to the presidency was long and can be viewed as inevitable, owing to his background and place in the society. His legislations and policies, especially The New Deal; stood up for the poor even though he was from a privileged background. Indeed Roosevelt’s leadership made a great impact in America’s history and destiny. Bibliography Ellis, Halley. The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly. New York: Fordham University Press, 1995 Burns, James Macgregor. Roosevelt (vol. 1).New York: Easton Press, 1956 Jean, Smith Edward. FDR. New York: Random House, 2007 Winkler, Allan. â€Å"The New Deal: Accomplishments and Failures.† Banking: Senate. 32009.